Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook, by Delbert G. Carlson DVM, James M. Griffin. However, the culprit can be difficult to determine, and at times impossible to pinpoint. We know that your feline companion means the world to you and realizing that something isn't quite right can be extremely nerve-wracking for a doting pet parent. Cat eye discharge is a sign of many different eye diseases and disorders, including: Corneal ulcers ... Cats, Cancer in Cats, Declawing Cats, Diabetes in Cats, Eye Infection in Cats, Hypoallergenic Cats, Hyperthyroidism in Cats, Overweight Cats, Vomiting Cats. Like people, cats can experience eye discharge that may affect them in varying ways. The ophthalmoscope allows the vet to see a magnified image of the eye. Trust your gut. Cat Doctor: A Guide to Common Ailments and Treatments, by Mark Evans, Howell Book House/Reed International Books Limited, 1996. Many of the chronic vomiting pets, Such as my cat Cleo, have shown a dramatic decrease in the incidence of intestinal problems- I believe that it is the probiotics helping this. Your vet will likely perform a complete physical exam, check your cat's temperature, and may request a blood test to rule out certain diseases. Random House, Inc., 1975. The vet would commonly prescribe specific eye medications, antibiotics, fluids, and decongestants to relieve the signs and treat the infection. The viral infections are typically caused by feline herpesvirus type 1 and feline calicivirus. Eye discharge in cats is typically a symptom of an underlying condition and not a disease in itself. It also helps to stay ahead of the curve by giving them preventative medication like Advantage Multi for cats. Clearly, something’s wrong. Cat Vomiting: The Bottom Line. Eye infections can also be extremely contagious and quickly pass from one cat to another. Like people, cats are also prone to allergies, which often result in signs like teary eyes, a runny nose, and irritation of the respiratory system. In such cases, your cat will commonly be sensitive to light, and the discharge can be clear and watery, or a thick mucus around the affected eye(s). Early signs of FCoV exposure in some cats can be mild upper respiratory disease, including runny eyes, sneezing, watery nasal discharge or vomiting and diarrhea. Breeds such as Persians, Himalayans and other brachycephalic cat breeds (those with relatively large eyes and short noses) are more prone to excessive tear production. Sometimes the cause may not be very serious and could be something you can manage at home as you will see below. This indicates dried eye discharge. Treating chronic dry eye often involves eye drops or ointments, antibiotics, artificial tears, and/or immune-suppressing drugs. If an infection is present, the vet will likely prescribe antibiotic eye drops. First, do your best to avoid environments that are overcrowded with cats. Known as the pink eye among humankind, the most common eye infection among pets is the pink eye, which medical term is named conjunctivitis. The eye can be very fragile and is not designed to withstand the trauma of harmful branches or the claws of another animal. Additionally, your veterinarian will use a tool called an ophthalmoscope. Additionally, be sure to stay away from any over-the-counter washes or drops, unless your vet has specifically prescribed them. Therefore, if the discharge is chronic, experts recommend that you let your veterinarian take a more thorough look into exactly what may be causing it. Learn a few of the more common causes of eye discharge, when to see a vet, and what you can do at home to help your feline friend. All rights reserved. This will result … The physical signs of eye discharge in cats are comparable to the symptoms that you may experience yourself. As a doting cat owner, you've likely cleaned some "gunk" out from your beloved feline's eyes at one point or another. If left untreated, keratoconjunctivitis sicca can result in blindness. Eye discharge is usually an indication of an infection, injury, or other problem and can cause serious discomfort for your cat. The procedure will allow your vet to flush out the blockage. The moisture can range from being thin to thick in consistency. Only then will you be able to pick up on when something is "off" early on. Please visit the vet if you suspect that might be the case. Eye infections are transmitted extremely easily. My cat Mercy is 6 years old and is an indoor cat (she is deaf). Treating conjunctivitis in cats will vary, based on the cause. A small amount of crust from time to time is usually normal. Eye discharge is usually an indication of an infection, injury, or other problem and can cause serious discomfort for your cat. This usually manifests as sneezing, coughing, and discharge build-up in the eyes and nose. Causes of a Discharge from Cat’s Anus. Additional treatment options often include an antibiotic eye ointment or antibiotic eye drops, as well as eye drops that promote healing. However, in other cases, the eye discharge may lead your vet to find another underlying condition that needs to be addressed. The Well Cat Book, by Terri McGinnis, DVM. These tests will also help to determine if your cat is suffering from seasonal allergies, or if there is potentially an infection elsewhere in the body. Saulding DVM and Jacki Clay. This is often the result of an injury or infection. Therefore, seek veterinary medical attention for your pet. Use a fresh cotton ball for each eye. As there are various underlying causes for cat eye discharge, treatment will vary and be based on the factors contributing to your cat's condition. Ocular discharge may be present, running the gamut from clear, to yellow or even green. Additionally, outdoor cats and those that love to explore are at a higher risk of eye injuries. Also, you may find sticky clumps around your cat's eyes. Additionally, outdoor cats and those that love to explore are at a higher risk of eye … Additionally, if there is enough discharge that needs to be wiped away one or two times daily, we highly recommend that you see your vet. A few common reasons for cat eye discharge include: Because so many conditions can lead to eye discharge in cats, you really need to talk to your veterinarian before trying any eye discharge treatments on your cat. This results in a discharge from the eye that is much more pronounced than usual. Howell Book House, NY, 1983. Cats also frequently get yeast infections, caused by fungi. Cleo also had CHRONIC eye discharge, and this was related to the Cat Flu as a kitten, with scarred tear ducts and recurring viral infections. One of the most important ways to care for a corneal disorder is to ensure the eye is kept clean. Cat eye discharge originates from the tears that the body constantly produces throughout the day. If the eye(s) experience chronic or long-lasting dryness, the result is almost always inflammation of the cornea, redness, and considerable irritation and pain. If this is a mild virus then it should run its course over 2-3 days. If your cat has tear staining due to the shape of his/her face, there are a couple of things you can do to help keep them more comfortable: Keep them well-groomed. This results in a discharge from the eye that is much more pronounced than usual. Eye discharge associated with an upper respiratory infection is often sticky and resembles pus. Occasional eye discharge is usually nothing to worry about, but chronic discharge can be a sign of a more serious illness such as feline upper respiratory infections or corneal disorders. Nasal discharge is a common sign of facial tumors, and eye discharge can signal an eye tumor. The appropriate treatment of cat eye discharge will vary based on the underlying cause. The substance typically has a thick mucus-like consistency, but the amount of discharge will often vary based on the severity of the infection or illness that’s affecting your cat. However, when something irritates the eyes, the body produces more tears than normal. In younger cats and kittens, Chlamydia and Mycoplasma are two bacteria that are most often responsible for eye infections. Over the last 3 days she has vomited 3 or 4 times, has a tiny bit of diarrhea (noticed a small bit in her litter box each day the last 3 days) and the skin around her eyes is red and she has some light green mucous coming out of them. They might be pawing at them or rubbing their face against the sofa or on the rug. Cat keeps vomiting and I noticed eyes are slightly swollen. In this article, we'll cover the reasons for your cat's eye discharge, what it could potentially mean, and what to do next. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. Read this article to pinpoint the underlying cause and how to go about fixing it. If you've had an eye exam you'll recognize the tool, as it’s also used in humans. MD. To safely remove your cat’s eye discharge and make them more comfortable while waiting for their vet appointment, arm yourself with a bag of cotton balls and these simple tips from the ASPCA: Because correct treatment can be so critical to the health and well-being of your cat, always talk to a veterinarian to be sure kitty is getting just the right care needed. Instead, cat parents need to be vigilant, keeping an eye out for any symptoms that could point to illness. Dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) . If left untreated, this condition can result in blindness. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you see this in one or both eyes, along with a watery discharge, there’s a good chance they have conjunctivitis. Many pet owners refer to these as “eye boogers.”. Persistent discharge from the nose or eyes is cause for concern, says Dr. Zaidel. There are many forms of bacteria, viruses and fungi that can be the primary cause of your cat’s vomiting and diarrhea. Other common causes of leaky, watery eyes in cats include allergies, injuries, parasites, and fungal diseases. Antiviral eye drops: Products containing ganciclovir (Ganciclovir ophthalmic gel) and trifluorothymidine (TFT) have an antiviral action and can help reduce the viral load in the eyes of cats with FHV conjunctivitis. However, if a cat is vomiting and not eating then I do get concerned. If the vomiting stops and she is wanting to eat, but you notice that she is getting congested and has more eye discharge then this is definitely most likely to be an upper respiratory tract virus. However, this is usually a general sign that the eye is infected or highly irritated. Watery eyes are often accompanied by physical signs such as redness and swelling. The cat may sneeze, have discharge from eyes and nose, drool and breathe with difficulty through his or her mouth. If you notice any of these signs, please ensure your cat sees the vet ASAP. Your cat's eyes are an extremely important part of their well being and something you, as a responsible pet parent, should not overlook. Eye drops, other medications, and sometimes surgery are necessary to help stimulate tear production and to restore the tear film. If something seems wrong with your fur baby, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Simply speaking, cat eye discharge originates from the tears that the body constantly produces throughout the day. Cats that are not feeling well may just look … When it comes to the eyes, the sooner you can figure out what's wrong, the better the chances that your cat will recover without any permanent damage. Allergic reactions can occur from a multitude of sources, including pet food, medications, environmental allergens, household plants, and chemicals like herbicides and pesticides. Cat eye discharge can vary in how often it occurs, its consistency, and how badly it irritates your four-legged friend. Many diseases for which eye discharge may be a sign can progress to blindness and/or systemic infection. This will often result in the natural overproduction of tears in an attempt to get rid of whatever is causing the irritation. At the vet, you should expect a series of tests. Care for cats safely: Cats and kittens can carry the parasites that causes toxoplasmosis. Be sure to use a different, clean cotton swab for each eye, particularly, if for any reason you feel that there may be an infection. If you think there may be something wrong, we highly recommend seeking a professional, veterinary medical opinion. If your cat’s eye discharge symptoms don’t clear up within 24 hours or if your cat is squinting, talk to your veterinarian right away. You'll also find that cats with red, swollen eyes constantly rub their faces on anything from the couch to your pants, all in an attempt to relieve the itch and irritation. Don't allow the discharge to buildup. Eye Injury. First, you'll likely find a watery discharge around your cat's eyes. Cat parents may notice a variety of symptoms indicating an eye infection, including: The whites of the eye may turn red. Remove your cat's bowel movements. Don’t be tempted to brush off unusual discharges from your cat’s eyes as ‘no big deal’. As a result, the body automatically produces more tears, which can cause excessive blinking, cloudiness, inflammation and irritation, and eye discharge. Watery eyes or other eye discharge can be a sign that your cat has an eye infection. This would be a result of FECV infection. Dip a cotton ball in water. Certain breeds are at a higher risk of developing eye problems and thus, excessive eye discharge due to the shape of their faces. While the focus of this article is primarily the overproduction of tears, it is also important to be aware that some conditions may cause dry eyes, which can be equally severe and may also produce a thick abnormal discharge. While epiphora is the overproduction of tears, keratoconjunctivitis sicca is the underproduction of tears. In cats, common signs include sneezing, eye and nose discharge, coughing and a fever. Most cases of conjunctivitis can be resolved in a timely manner without permanent damage to the eyes. Veterinary Guide for Animal Owners, by C.E. Upper respiratory infections will also show signs such as nasal discharge and sneezing. My vet put him on antibiotic a week ago and it is only slightly better. If your cat only sneezes occasionally, then he … Symptoms of Cat Eye Infections. From constant scratching to milder itchy sensations to overall eye pain, if your cat is experiencing chronic eye discharge, you'll want to get to the bottom of it. Therefore, if you believe your cat might have an eye infection, proper treatment in a timely manner is imperative. The cornea is the rounded surface that covers and helps to protect the front of the eye. Finally, if the eyes are red and swollen, or if your cat is excessively rubbing the eyes, make an appointment with the vet. However, if you notice large amounts of crusty matter, then you can assume there was a large amount of discharge or mucus, which typically indicates the presence of eye problems. Bacterial infections will often need antibiotics. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is an eye condition that should not be ignored, as it can have horrific, irreversible side effects. There are many reasons why your cat may squint or hold one eye closed. Our mission is to provide premium quality CBD products that help support the health and happiness of the animals we call family. Finally, stay alert. Furthermore, young cats that are exposed to environments with a high population of other cats, such as at shelters, are also at a much higher risk of contracting an eye infection. Anything from a simple cold to a serious illness could be causing your cat’s eye discharge. Treatment will also vary based on the specific cause of the inflammation. If you see yellow or green snot emerging from your cat’s nose or eyes, this abnormally colored discharge is a sure sign of a bacterial infection. You can inadvertently cause considerable injury or worsen the condition by using the wrong medication for your cat's current eye problem. Steer clear of any over-the-counter drops or washes unless your vet has prescribed them. Before we get into specifics, we want to remind you to never reuse eye medication from a previous ailment, even if you believe your cat is having a recurrence. Treatment of a corneal disorder will often depend on the severity of the condition. The first step is recognizing any change as soon as possible. Rodale, 1998. Conjunctivitis caused by pollen, weeds, dust, and other environmental irritants may be alleviated by a steroid ointment. However, steroid ointments should be avoided if viral infections are detected or suspected, as they can make the condition worse. This useful chart breaks down cat symptoms by area of the body, then tells you what each symptom could mean. Signs of eye discharge in cats include watery discharge around the eyes, which can range from being thin to thick in consistency. What changes would I see in overall appearance? If so, most cats get over this on their own. Wear disposable gloves when possible. Do the following to prevent getting toxoplasmosis from cats: Clean your cat's litter box every day. Most cat viruses that cause gunky eyes are not usually serious. We will be happy to hear your thoughts. Again, cat eye discharge in itself is not a disease, but rather a sign of a condition that may need professional treatment. If your cat is having an allergic reaction, they may also exhibit signs like vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, you may need to administer a few eye drops on a regular schedule. With these breeds, it is important to know your cat's "normal." Seeking a professional, veterinary medical opinion is vomiting and diarrhea is Salmonella, which is found in meats. 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