[21][23], Involving young people in voting can have a “trickle up” effect that mobilizes their parents and other adults in their households to vote, increasing the overall voter turnout rate. More opinions can be emphasized in the voting booth and this information can give politicians the direction they need for public policy. From the 1990s to the present, elected officials in several US states have made unsuccessful attempts to lower the voting age to 16, and sometimes even younger. The idea of lowering the voting age has drawn some support, largely from Democrats. If passed, San Francisco would be the first major US city to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote in municipal elections. [3] Alternatively, state legislatures could pass laws allowing younger people to vote in their states. Gun Control – Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted? 13, 2018, Rainesford Stauffer, "These Teens Marched for Gun Laws. Advocates of the measure say lowering the voting age would instill a lifelong habit of voting. [27] According to the United States Elections Project’s analysis of US Census Bureau data, just 16% of eligible voters ages 18-29 voted in the 2014 election, compared to 30% for ages 30-44, 43% for 45-59, and 55% for age 60 and up. Eighteen states and Washington, D.C., already allow such pre-18 voter participation. People wear masks while walking past the skyline at … Opponents argue that young people lack maturity, life experience and civic knowledge. As a result, Democrats want children to be able to vote. "Lowering the Voting Age – Top 3 Pros and Cons." During the 2018 midterm elections, however, the percentage of 18- to 29-year-old voters jumped to a historic high compared with previous midterms. CON: Young Brains Aren't Mature. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower became the first president to publicly voice support for lowering the voting age. Would lowering the voting age lead to increase civic knowledge and participation? (2020, September 30). Will 2020 Be The Year Of The Young Voter? Every age group in the poll was against lowering the voting age to 16 or 17, though younger respondents were more supportive than older participants. While lowering the voting age to 18 was a necessary reform, the overall voting rate has actually consistently declined since the 26th Amendment was enacted. [19] Researchers say that people who participate in elections when they first reach voting age are likely to develop the habit of voting, and those who don’t are more likely to remain nonvoters. Now, there's a youth-driven push to bring more of them to the ballot box. Retrieved from https://www.procon.org/headlines/lowering-the-voting-age-top-3-pros-and-cons/, ProCon.org, "Lowering the Voting Age – Top 3 Pros and Cons,", ProCon.org, "Lowering the Voting Age – Top 3 Pros and Cons. The 26th Amendment made the change to 18 permanent for all elections. By many standards, the age of sixteen is the beginning of adulthood. ], [Editor’s Note: The MLA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Becroft argues that a lower voting age could enhance turnout, ingrain the habit of voting, and give young people more rights. He said young, newly enfranchised voters often postpone navigating the voting process to focus on employment, higher education and settling into new cities. Below are the proper citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): the Modern Language Association Style Manual (MLA), the Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), and Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Turabian). Seventeen states now allow 17-year-olds to vote in primaries if they will be 18 by the general election, and more than half of them took that step within the last decade. In an effort to boost civic engagement among younger voters, Tyler Okeke, 19, has been campaigning to lower the voting age to 16. Lowering the voting age means that there is the possibility of getting a better glimpse of what the general population wants. [17], Only 12.5% of 18-year-olds participated in the 2014 midterm election, compared to 42% of the general population. Death Penalty – Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed? [1] Student activism in the wake of the Feb. 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, brought new life to the debate about letting younger people vote in elections. Having grown up with the Internet, younger generations have greater access to information, well beyond the pages of a textbook, he said. Recreational Marijuana – Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal? [ 4] A common argument against … Millennials Now Rival Boomers As A Political Force, But Will They Actually Vote. The idea is not a … Okeke disagrees. Here are the proper bibliographic citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): [Editor's Note: The APA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Analysing Persistence in Turnout," jstor.org, Jan. 2009, Daniel Hart and James Youniss, Renewing Democracy in Young America, 2017, Mark N. Franklin, Voter Turnout and the Dynamics of Electoral Competition in Established Democracies since 1945, Apr. Meng’s measure seeks to replace the 26th amendment to the United States Constitution with a new amendment that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote. All rights reserved. The presidential election of 1989 was the first with the lower voting age. Thirty … FOX News reports: TRENDING: Exclusive:… New Data Shows That's Not Very Likely.," washingtonpost.com, Aug. 1, 2018, United States Elections Project, "Voter Turnout Demographics," electproject.org (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), Civic Youth, "National Voter Turnout Figures - Civic Youth," civicyouth.org (accessed Oct. 26, 2018), National Assessment of Educational Progress, "2014 Civics Assessment," nationsreportcard.gov (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), Devyn Rafols-Nuñez, "Push to Lower the Voting Age Gains Traction across the States," nbcnews.com, June 24, 2018, Justia, Jolicoeur v. Mihaly, law.justia.com, 1971, Washington Post Editorial Board, "Give a Lower Voting Age a Try," washingtonpost.com, Apr. If passed, Proposition 18 would allow 17-year-olds, who will be 18 by the time of the following general election, to vote in primary and special elections. [48], A constitutional amendment to lower the US voting age to 16 would require approval from two-thirds of both houses of Congress and three-fourths of the state legislatures (38 states). Brazil lowered the voting age from 18 to 16 in the 1988 constitution. The main concern with lowering the voting age is whether 17- or even 16-year-olds are old enough to vote responsibly. [42], © 2020 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Politicians, campaigners andpolitical pundits have frequently put forward the idea of lowering the voting age to counter decreasing levels of electoral turnout especially among young voters. That's what sparked the 26th Amendment, which in 1971 lowered the … Easing age limitations is on the California ballot this November. Young Activists Pour Energy Into Protests, But What About The Election? Although the effort failed, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., … Should the voting age be lowered to 16? Animal Testing – Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing? [29][30], Only 23% of students scored at or above the “proficient” level on the last National Assessment of Educational Progress test of civics knowledge and skills. The first article, called the Top Ten Reasons for Lowering the Voting Age was written by the National Youth Rights Association. [51], Internationally, about a dozen countries allow citizens to vote at age 16, sometimes with conditions such as being employed or married, including Argentina, Austria, Brazil and Ecuador. ", ProCon.org. That came out ahead of the need for coronavirus aid, even though more than one-third of those surveyed said they are struggling to pay rent or buy basic needs. Congress only has the authority to lower the voting age for federal elections. States which have set a minimum age often have it somewhere between 10 to 13 years old. Proper citation depends on your preferred or required style manual. [24][25] Turnout among 16- and 17-year-olds in Takoma Park, Maryland, the first US municipality to lower the voting age for local elections, was double that of eligible voters 18 and older. [36][37] [49]Further, in most states, 16-year-olds can be emancipated from their parents and live independently. [2] San Francisco, California, residents will vote in Nov. 2020 whether to allow 16 year olds to vote. By the 1970s, a number of countries – particularly those in Western Europe – dropped the minimum voting age to 18 with the United Kingdom kicked things off with The Representation of the People Act in 1969. Social Media – Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? "If this wasn't work that I was doing for years, I probably wouldn't know the process of getting an absentee ballot to vote in a California election while I go to college in Chicago," Okeke, who is originally from Los Angeles, told NPR's Ailsa Chang on All Things Considered. In 1969, Harold Wilson’s Labour government lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. Strong civics education and a lower … Literature supporting the lower voting age noted that 18-year-olds “bear the burdens of citizenship” and “behave and resume responsibility as adults.” The history of American politics is, to some extent, a story of people demanding the right to vote. Many of the ideas advanced by far left Democrats are appealing to children who don’t know any better. In 1946, Czechoslovakia became the first to reduce the age limit to 18. 20, 2018, FindLaw, "Emancipation of Minors Basics," family.findlaw.com (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), Public Religion Research Institute, "American Democracy in Crisis: Civic Engagement, Young Adult Activism, and the 2018 Midterm Elections," prri.org, Oct. 11, 2018, Lehigh Valley Opinion, "Poll: Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16? If the voting age were lowered, it wouldn't be the first time. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., on Thursday said she was “shocked” that lowering the legal voting age to 16 is a “polarizing” subject of debate. 2002, Eva Zeglovits and Julian Aichholzer, "Are People More Inclined to Vote at 16 Than at 18? Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., on Thursday said she was “shocked” that lowering the legal voting age to 16 is a “polarizing” subject of debate. NEW YORK — New York Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) has announced that reintroduced legislation in the House of Representatives to lower the voting age in … A new poll from Power California shows that 18- to 29-year-old voters in the state put "stopping police brutality against Black Americans" as their most important political issue. [38], Experts say that 16- and 17-year-olds demonstrate lower interest in politics, have less political knowledge, and lack the experience needed to participate in elections. Fifty Years Ago, So Did 18-Year-Olds.," nytimes.com, May 19, 2019, James A. Anderson, "Why We Should Lower the Voting Age to 16," nextcity.org, July 20, 2020, Lauren Young, "These Teens Are Leading the Fight to Lower the Voting Age," teenvougue.com, Aug. 13, 2020, Celine Castronuovo, "San Francisco Considers Changing Local Voting Age to 16," thehill.com Sep. 12, 2020. School Uniforms – Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms? lowering the voting age to 16 will strengthen civics education. [43], Congress proposed the 26th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1971, which stated, “The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.” [45] The ratification process, which required approval from 38 states, was completed in about three months, the shortest amount of time of any amendment in US history. At this time, however, the minimum voting age was 21 in every state. This needs to change: The federal voting age in the United States should be lowered from 18 to 16. According to Markus Wagner, PhD, Social Sciences Professor at the University of Vienna, and coauthors, studies of subsequent elections show “the quality of these [younger] citizens’ choices is similar to that of older voters, so they do cast votes in ways that enable their interests to be represented equally well.” [9], The United States has one of the lowest voter turnout rates among developed countries. 2004, Eric Plutzer, "Becoming a Habitual Voter: Inertia, Resources, and Growth in Young Adulthood," American Political Science Review, Mar. [47], A different survey found 8% support for lowering the voting age to 16; 45% want to keep it at 18; and 46% would like to raise it back to age 21. Tyler Okeke, a 19-year-old activist, is among those who champion lowering the voting age from 18 to 16. [43] A debate over lowering it to 18 began during World War II when President Franklin D. Roosevelt decreased the military draft age to 18. Research published in Political Studies in 2006 asserted that 16- … Opponents often argue that people at that age aren't mature enough or don't know enough to vote. In an effort to boost civic engagement among younger voters, Tyler Okeke, 19, has been campaigning to lower the voting age to 16. Illegal Immigration – What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America? It held some very strong, solid arguments and reasons for convincing its audience of their claim to lower the voting age to 16. [44] But lawmakers didn’t take action until marches and demonstrations drew attention to the fact that young people who were being drafted to fight in Vietnam did not have the ability to vote in most states. WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) announced today that she reintroduced legislation in the House of Representatives to lower the voting age in America to 16 years old. The Voting Rights Act of 1970 lowered the voting age to 18 for national elections. Young people are already participating in politics. [44] President Eisenhower called for citizens ages 18 to 21 to be included in the political process in his 1954 State of the Union address. Policy-makers and researchers have long been concerned with young citizens’ engagement in politics and potential ways to foster greater political participation amongst them. [46], A study in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science found that, “On measures of civic knowledge, political skills, political efficacy, and tolerance, 16-year-olds, on average, are obtaining scores similar to those of adults… Adolescents in this age range are developmentally ready to vote.” [7], Scientists believe that “cold cognition” skills, those used to make the kind of informed, well-thought out choices needed in voting, are solidly established in 16-year-olds. Some Republican critics cast the push as a tactic to strengthen the Democratic electorate, given that Gen Zers tend to be more liberal on social issues than previous generations. For decades, young people between 18 and 29 have voted in the lowest numbers of any age group. Currently, young adults gain the right to vote at 18, the same time they're undergoing significant life transitions, said Okeke, a youth organizer with the nonprofit Power California and a student at the University of Chicago. Okeke is working to increase the number of eligible voters in the country's most diverse generation and amplify their voices on decisions that will affect their future. It is the age of responsibility, a time when maturity becomes an expectation. The poll found every age group was against 16-year-olds voting, with the most support found among those under 35 where still only 39% were in favor. Almost all countries had their minimum voting age set at 21 before World War II. [40], A Twitter poll by WJLA, the ABC news affiliate in Washington, DC, found just 18% support for a proposed bill to lower the voting age to 16 in the District of Columbia, compared to 77% against. Skeptics will no doubt raise questions about the … Lowering the Voting Age – Top 3 Pros and Cons. Opponents argue that they are not ; proponents argue that they are . [18] A person who votes in one election has a 13% greater probability of voting in a future election. ProCon.org is the institutional or organization author for all ProCon.org pages. New York Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) has announced that reintroduced legislation in the House of Representatives to lower the voting age in America to 16 years old. The United States of America will soon, with the lowering of voting ages as a resp… ‘Squad’ member Pressley says she’s ‘shocked’ that lowering voting age to 16 is polarizing issue. Pressley ‒ a co-sponsor of a resolution to H.R. 10, 2018, WJLA Web Staff, "Bill Lowering Voting Age to 16 Proposed in D.C.," mynbc15.com, Apr. In retrospect, 18 is … Although the effort failed, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., proposed an amendment to lower the national voting age to 16 in House Democrats' voting overhaul bill last year. [20][21], 16-year-olds are learning about government and civics in high school, and the structured environment would lead to higher turnout among 16- and 17-year-olds as teachers and parents help them overcome typical obstacles for first-time voters, such as the registration process and finding their polling places. Klugman, of Vote16USA, added that lowering the voting age to 16 could eventually lead to increased voter turnout. hide caption. [31], David Davenport, JD, research fellow at the Hoover Institution, said, “My concern is if 16-year-olds were allowed to vote on any kind of broad scale, what we’d actually be doing is bringing the least politically informed, the least politically experienced, the least mature in terms of making long-term judgments and trade-offs, directly into and potentially affecting our voter turnout and results.” [32], A 2019 Hill-HarrisX poll found that 84% of registered voters opposed lowering the voting age to 16. The actions of the Amendment allowed the voting age to be reduced from 21 to 18. Despite attempts to exclude us from the political … [41] The local NBC news affiliate ran a similar poll online in which 83% of participants were against the bill. Armed with that information, youth are "getting frustrated" with their lack of political power, Okeke said, after "exhausting" the tools they do have, such as social media campaigning and protesting. More sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds voted than eighteen-to-twenty-one-year-olds in Austria. Young adults are known for taking to the streets in protest. Power California "When we look down the road, we don't see a hopeful future. [ 3] A Alternatively, state legislatures could pass laws allowing younger people to vote in their states. They Were Just Getting Warmed Up.," thinkprogress.org, May 29, 2018, Eric Zorn, "It's Only Logical — 16-Year-Olds Should Have the Right to Vote," chicagotribune.com, Apr. Mandatory National Service – Should the United States Have Mandatory National Service? Brazil. Raised to 21?," lehighvalleylive.com, Feb. 27, 2018, WJLA Staff, "A New Bill Is Being Proposed in D.C. That Would Lower Voting Age to 16," wjla.com, Apr. The idea of lowering the voting age has drawn some support, largely from Democrats. ], ProCon.org. [13][14][15][16] Most are still living at home and would be influenced by the voting choices of their parents. [2], Currently, Berkeley, California, and a handful of cities in Maryland allow 16-year-olds to participate in local elections. Fifty years on, some believe the time has come to lower the voting age to 16. 2002, Jens Olav Dahlgaard, "The Surprising Consequence of Lowering the Voting Age,” washingtonpost.com, Mar. “Voting is a habit, and research makes it clear that age 16 is a better time than 18 to establish that habit,” said Brandon Klugman, Campaign Manager at Vote16USA. 18, 2018, Jocelyn Benson and Michael T. Morley, "Common Interpretation: The Twenty-Sixth Amendment," constitutioncenter.org (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), History.com Editors, "The 26th Amendment," history.com (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), National Archives, "Document for March 23rd: 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution," archives.gov (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), NCC Staff, "Just Which State Ratified the 26th Amendment?," constitutioncenter.org, June 30, 2017, Maggie Astor, "16-Year-Olds Want a Vote. Would lowering the voting age increase voter turnout? In theory, this measure could encourage involvement in politics at an earlier stage of life, while young people are still embedded in family and sc… “Our young people, including 16- and Medical Marijuana – Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? The voting age was 21 before the 26th Amendment was ratified in 1971. Last modified on September 30, 2020. We don't see a future where we'll have access to clean water and clean air, and equitable schools," he said. [26], A US Senate report cited student activism and protests as reasons for lowering the voting age to 18 in the 1970s during the Vietnam War: “We must channel these energies into our political system and give young people the real opportunity to influence our society in a peaceful and constructive manner.” [33], Students today live under threats to their futures such as school shootings and climate change, and they deserve to have influence over their elected officials beyond the protests they’ve organized. At 16 and 17, critics say, youn… [9][22][23] By contrast, many 18-year-olds are in a time of transition, making them less likely to participate in elections. And Americans of both major parties overwhelmingly oppose extending voting to 16- and 17-year-olds, according to a Hill-HarrisX poll. NPR's Jonaki Mehta and Jolie Myers produced and edited the audio for this story. [4], Until the 1970s, the voting age in America was 21. Normative and Empirical Considerations," Political Studies, Oct. 2006, Robert Tracinski, "Why It's Time to Raise the Voting Age Back to 21," thefederalist.com, Feb. 27, 2018, US Department of Labor, "Workers under 18," dol.gov (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), US Legal, "Contract by a Minor," contracts.uslegal.com (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), United States Courts, "Juror Qualifications," uscourts.gov (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), Today's Military, "Review Military Entrance Requirements," todaysmilitary.com (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), Damian Medina, "Why California Should Definitely Not Lower Voting Age to 17," sandiegouniontribune.com, June 23, 2017, Drew Desilver, "U.S. Trails Most Developed Countries in Voter Turnout," pewresearch.org, May 21, 2018, Kevin Denny and Orla Doyle, "Does Voting History Matter? ‘Squad’ member Pressley says she’s ‘shocked’ that lowering voting age to 16 is polarizing issue. As certain municipalities and states debate the merits of having teens as young as 16 be able to vote, the pros and cons of lowering the voting age have become a nationwide debate in the United States. A constitutional amendment to lower the US voting age to 16 would require approval from two-thirds of both houses of Congress and three-fourths of the state legislatures (38 states). 5. At the time, young people argued that if they could be drafted to fight America's wars at 18, their voices should also count in elections. [11][10][12], Social scientists Tak Wing Chan, PhD, and Matthew Clayton, DPhil, say that 16- and 17-year-olds wouldn’t be competent voters because “research in neuroscience suggests that the brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex, is still undergoing major reconstruction and development during the teenage years,” and added that the prefrontal cortex is what “enables us to weigh dilemmas, balance trade-offs and, in short, make reasonable decisions in politics.” [11], People under 18 are subject to different labor, contract, and criminal responsibility laws, and aren’t allowed to join the military without parental consent or serve on a jury. "Voting is just the logical next step in making sure that a generation — that is so passionate about change and is so deeply affected by the decisions that are being made now — that we are inserted into policy-making and have a say in our democracy.". 1, 2018, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, "Solid Turnout for 16 and 17 Year Old Voters in Takoma Park, MD," naspa.org (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), United States Census Bureau, "Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2014: Reported Voting and Registration, by Sex and Single Years of Age: November 2014," census.gov, July 2015, Emily Guskin, "Are Young Voters Going to Sway the Midterms? National Youth Rights Association, "The Movement to Lower the Voting Age: A History," youthrights.org (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), Joshua Douglas, "Parkland Students Show Why 16-Year-Olds Should Be Able to Vote," cnn.com, Feb. 20, 2018, National Archives, "Constitutional Amendment Process," archives.gov (accessed Nov. 1, 2018), David Davenport, "No, We Shouldn't Lower the Voting Age to 16," forbes.com, May 25, 2016, Fenit Nirappil, "D.C. Council Declines to Take up Bill to Lower Voting Age to 16," washingtonpost.com, Nov. 14, 2018, Generation Citizen, "Lowering the Voting Age for Local Elections in 2017 and Beyond," vote16usa.org, Jan. 2017, Daniel Hart and Robert Atkins, "American Sixteen- and Seventeen-Year-Olds Are Ready to Vote," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Jan. 2011, Laurence Steinberg, "Why We Should Lower the Voting Age to 16," nytimes.com, Mar. Why or why not? Explain your answer? RELATED: 'It's up … Why or why not. Many in Generation Z, who were born in 1997 or later, were newly motivated by recent mass shootings to vote in an effort to reform gun policies. The U.S. history that students typically learn at that age, combined with the power to vote at the same time, he said, would create "lifelong, habitual voters.". Reasons to lower the voting age include the following: Extending voting rights to 16- and 17-year-olds is consistent with the fact that turning 16 has special significance in our culture. Over the past few months, Gen Z activists have been a driving force in causes such as climate change, the Black Lives Matter movement and LGBTQ rights. At age 16, citizens can drive, pay taxes, and for the first time work without any restriction on hours. [28][29] Over the last 30 years, voter turnout for 18- to 29-year-olds has never exceeded 21% in a midterm election. [34] Sofie Whitney, a survivor of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, says, “If 16-year-old students are old enough to be affected by the laws, and realize that there is a problem, then they should have the power to help change it.” [35], The age of 16 is when people’s relationship with the law changes as they often start driving, working, and paying taxes. Accessed February 8, 2021. https://www.procon.org/headlines/lowering-the-voting-age-top-3-pros-and-cons/, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. ProCon.org. Lowering the voting age encouraged political interest in young people in Austria. Even the majority of Democrats oppose lowering the voting age. In the case of Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley, she just doesn’t understand why anyone would be opposed to such an idea. A case study from Generation Citizen analyzes the positive effects of lowering the voting age in two Maryland towns. 2, 2018, Markus Wagner, et al., "Voting at 16: Turnout and the Quality of Vote Choice," Electoral Studies, June 2012, Mori Social Research Institute, "Young People's Attitudes Towards Politics," ipsos.com, July 2003, Tak Wing Chan and Matthew Clayton, "Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to Sixteen? However, his comments have been met by similar responses to those former New Zealand Green MP Sue Bradford received when she initially proposed lowering the voting ageback in 2007. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., on Thursday said she was “shocked” that lowering the legal voting age to 16 is a “polarizing” subject of debate. 26, 2018, Hannah Grabenstein, "Should 16-Year-Olds Be Allowed to Vote?," pbs.org, Apr. By lowering the voting age to 16, the U.S. would balance out its system of justice by offering those who could be charged as an adult the opportunity to have a say in how their social structures protect and help them. Still, it's an idea that does seem to be gaining some momentum. [8], Austria lowered the voting age to 16 in 2007. Okeke said 16-year-olds, in particular, are poised to translate their civic education into civic engagement. In 1971, the 26th Amendment was officially ratified. Evidence for the First-Time Voting Boost among 16- to 25-Year-Olds in Austria," Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties, Oct. 2014, Amy Linimon and Mark Joslyn, "Trickle Up Political Socialization: The Impact of Kids Voting USA on Voter Turnout in Kansas," State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Mar. On November 11, 1942, the United States Congress approved legislation lowering the military draft age from 21 to 18. Procon.Org is the beginning of adulthood Massachusetts Rep. 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