I made one graphic that shows all four models. The finished product is on the right. A path outline will reappear around just that one letter: To move this one letter to its own layer, go up to the Layer menu, choose New, and then choose Shape Layer via Cut (make sure you choose Cut and not Copy). This will let us select each letter just by clicking on it: Click on a letter with the Move Tool to select it. We’ll move the letters together so they overlap, and we’ll use one of Photoshop’s layer blend modes to blend the colors in the overlapping areas together! Photoshop is one of the most professional photo editors to overlay different photos. In this week’s tutorial, I’m sharing my process for creating this layered letter effect, using both Illustrator and Photoshop. Now in order to make this effect work, each of your letters has to be on a separate layer. I'll use Avenir Next Bold. I also applied an inner shadow and bevel and emboss layer effect to my text just to make it look a little cooler. Included in this set are four Photoshop files with 3D graphic styles perfect for any website, flyer, or … We'll start with the first letter on the left. I will point out where the important steps are to achieve the overlapping effect. I hope you have enjoyed this Photoshop tutorial, if you have any questions please fill out the form below. It's free and easy, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. The color swatch in the Options Bar shows the current type color. Follow these steps until you have all of the letters that make up your word, again make sure that each letter is on its own layer. Then choose the Black, White gradient by double-clicking on its thumbnail (third from the left, top row): Set the Blend Mode to Overlay, the Opacity to 100%, the Style to Linear, and the Angle to 90 degrees, and then click OK: Applying the black to white gradient directly to the layer group and setting its blend mode to Overlay turns the flat color in each letter into a gradient, with a lighter shade of the color at the top and a darker shade at the bottom: Related: How to draw gradients in Photoshop. Then, in Photoshop CC, go up to the Options Bar and change the Select option to All Layers. Let's see how it works! Or, a faster way (and the way I recommend for this effect) is to press Shift+Ctrl+J (Win) / Shift+Command+J (Mac) on your keyboard: It won't look like anything has happened, but in the Layers panel, we now see that the first letter has been moved to its own Shape layer above the original: To move the remaining letters to their own separate layers, click on a letter with the Path Selection Tool to select it (in Photoshop CS6, you'll need to double-click). Nov 12, 2018 - An easy way to overlap letters using the knife, selection and lasso tools. To use the same color I'm using, set the R value to 30, the G value to 117 and the B value to 197: Click OK to close the Color Picker, and the first letter appears in its new color: To change the color of the second letter, again double-click on its thumbnail in the Layers panel: Choose a different color in the Color Picker. In this Photoshop tutorial I will show you how to make text that overlaps itself. You can stay in Illustrator the entire way if you’d like, but I discuss my reasons for hopping into Photoshop to finish things off. The first letter has been moved to its own layer. So the first letter is on the bottom and the last one is on the top. Turning on Auto-Select and setting it to Layer. In my example I am using these settings; Size: 4, Position: Outside, Blend: Normal, Opacity: 100% and I am using Blue (R:0 G:0 B:255) for the color. Here's what the final "overlapping letters" text effect will look like when we're done: Download this tutorial as a print-ready PDF! Start by creating a new Photoshop document. The image with the texture you want to add should be on the top layer and the main image should be the bottom layer. This Site Might Help You. The Shape layer for that letter will highlight in the Layers panel. Just minimize the Photoshop program, hold and drag the downloaded butterfly overlay in PNG into the program. Click the triangle next to the gradient swatch to open the Gradient Picker. Then, just as we did earlier, press and hold your Shift key and drag any of the corner handles to resize the text. Remember, the goal of this project is to simply trim away the white background that exists around each of the models above. In this tutorial, I show you how to create a colorful overlapping text effect in Photoshop, with colors that blend together where the letters overlap! Changing the blend mode of the Shape layers to Multiply. Be sure to check out our Text Effects sections for more tutorials! heres an example. Filed Under Tutorials | 1 Question/Comment |. To blend the colors in the overlapping areas, we use one of Photoshop's layer blend modes. Read on to see it all! (Type this number in in the # box at the bottom of the color picker dialog box.) In the Layers panel, make sure the top layer (texture) is selected. Fire up Photoshop and open up a new document, doesn’t really matter on the size, but you want it big enough so you can really see what is going on. In the window that pops up choose your colors and the width of the stroke. Once done, preview the effects on the image in the Photoshop workspace and click " OK " to save your changes. I like to work left to right, so I am going to choose the “V”. In Photoshop you can drag layers up and down changing their order. Here, after making a few minor adjustments to the spacing of the letters, is my final "colorful overlapping letters" text effect: And there we have it! The quickest way to resize the text is to hit Ctrl T, that would be Command T on Mac, move to the corner, hold down the Shift key to constrain it and then drag it out in proportion to fill up that barrel. Working on the text layer, go to Layer/Layer Style/Stroke. In the Channels Palette, Ctrl-click on ORIGINAL. We'll see the effect of the Multiply blend mode once we start overlapping the letters: While we have the Shape layers selected, let's place them into a layer group. In the menu click Edit and choose Free Transform. Professional artists are hired every day to turn ordinary letters into extraordinary 3D text art. I'll choose green by setting R to 25, G to 161 and B to 53: Click OK, and now the second letter appears in green (or whichever color you chose): Continue changing the color of each letter in the word by double-clicking on its thumbnail in the Layers panel and choosing a new color from the Color Picker. The only problem is that, after moving the letters closer together, the word now looks too small in the document. Move the text to reposition it by clicking and dragging inside the Free Transform box: Press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) on your keyboard to exit out of Free Transform, and we're done! Then, drag the letter over to the letter beside it until part of the letters overlap. You can combine two vertical strokes into one stroke or extend a horizontal upper or center stroke from one letter to the next. Step 1: Launch Photoshop and add the background image into the program. Now just type the first letter of the word you want to spell out. In other words, make sure the Shape layer for the letter you want to move is highlighted in the Layers panel before you move it: If you do accidentally select and move two letters at once, press Ctrl+Z (Win) / Command+Z (Mac) to undo your last step. We'll resize the text once we've added it, but this will give us the largest preset size to start with: Make sure your type color is set to black so we can see the text in front of the white background. Grab the Path Selection Tool (the black arrow tool) from the Toolbar: Then, in Photoshop CC, go up to the Options Bar and change the Select option to All Layers. The first image is what I created in After Effects. Move it over so that it just partially covers the first letter, the “O” for me. For … Click on the "Letters" layer group at the top of the Layers panel to select it: Then click on the Layer Styles icon (the "fx" icon) at the bottom of the Layers panel: This opens Photoshop's Layer Style dialog box set to the Gradient Overlay options. If you want to follow along exactly like me, start with your canvas 800X450. Click Create or OK (depending on which version of Photoshop you're using) to close the dialog box and create the new document: Choose your font in the Options Bar. Click on the Layer menu on the menu bar and select the Create Clipping Mask option. Sign up for a Gravatar today. Basically, I did this just to give you an idea of the illustrations I’m dealing with. Here, I’ve clicked on the second letter (the green “O”) and I’ve dragged it over and slightly into the first letter (“C”). Select the “Type Tool” (T), choose your font and type your text. I used French Script. In Photoshop CS6, this option is not available, but you'll still be able to select the letters just as easily: Back in the document window, click anywhere on the white background to deselect the letters. To overlap the letters and blend their colors together, we need to place each letter on a separate layer. Break out the text tool (keyboard shortcut is “T”) and then choose your font, I like to use a playful font for this effect, I am going to use a font called “Frosty”. Don’t worry about placement of the letters yet either. Thicker fonts generally work best for this effect. The Layers panel showing each letter in the word now on its own layer. As we'll see, not only is this a fun and colorful effect, but it's also very easy to create. Dec 28, 2017 - An easy way to overlap letters using the knife, selection and lasso tools. Click on a letter to select it, then drag it over part of the letter beside it. However, for some reason, the text is not blending like it should. Choosing a light blue for the first letter in the word. If you would like to make a comment, or ask me a question, please fill out the form below. Letters themselves shouldn't be filled with any color, but rather stroked. This will make it easier to select individual letters. At this point, all that's left to do is move the letters closer together so that they overlap. Open a second image in the same way, then select all (CTRL+A), then copy it (CTRL+C) Go back to your first image, and paste the copied image (CTRL+V) over the first image. STEP 1: ADD TEXT. When you reach the final letter on the right, you can just leave it because it will be the only letter remaining on the original Shape layer: In a moment, we're going to change the color of each letter and move the letters closer together so that they overlap. To resize it, press and hold your Shift key as you click and drag any of the corner handles. And finally, I'll use the same yellow for the last letter ("L") that I used for the third letter (R=255, G=190, B=0): The text is definitely looking more colorful, but we can enhance the colors even further by applying a gradient to the layer group itself. Is there a way to make the letters overlap each other? And since the layers are on separate layers you can also move them using the move tool. Pin it for later! Once you have your new letter go to your layers palette and right click the first letter that you made and from the pop-up menu choose “Copy Layer Style”. Press Enter when done. The stroked edge is what makes the effect really visible. Dec 18, 2017 - An easy way to overlap letters using the knife, selection and lasso tools. Double-click on the thumbnail for the top Shape layer in the Layers panel: This opens Photoshop's Color Picker. Again, remember to click once on a letter to select it, release your mouse button, and then click a second time to move it. If you want a personalized image to appear with your comment you need a Gravatar. Click once again on the "Letters" layer group at the top of the Layers panel to select it: Press Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac) on your keyboard to quickly select Photoshop's Free Transform command. For added variety, try rotating some of the letters with the Free Transform command. I wrote in abundance about those topics … Due to the way layers work, each letter as you go in the word is on top of the one that it follow. We start by creating the effect on a white background, but you’ll also learn the trick to using any background color you like! To make the other two letters, use a somewhat loopy font. Get your move tool, keyboard shortcut “V”, and choose one of your letters. I'll change the second last letter ("U") to the same blue that I used for the first letter (R=30, G=117, B=197). I'm using Photoshop CC but every step is fully compatible with Photoshop CS6. Now just spell out the rest of your word make sure to put each new letter on its own layer, this is very important. Then continue working your way through your letters until you have something that looks pretty … I'll type the word "COLORFUL": To accept your text, click the checkmark in the Options Bar: To resize the text, go up to the Edit menu and choose Free Transform: Photoshop places the Free Transform box and handles around the text. Making gradient text with Adobe PhotoShop may not seem as intuitive as it could be. Start with two layers. If you haven’t already done so, first add text. You can select any blending effects by just scroll through the "Blending" menu. Lets begin. I want create a type in which the letters overlap each other (let's say -200 VA setting), and then make a stroke that will be overlapping. For this gold, fill the layer with #BEAD90. Feb 3, 2018 - An easy way to overlap letters using the knife, selection and lasso tools. The letter that you just made has ants marching around its perimeter. The Layers panel showing the new Type layer. Hit Enter now to apply it. Select the Move Tool from the Toolbar: Then in the Options Bar, make sure Auto-Select is turned on (checked), and that it's set to Layer, not Group. Home > Photoshop Text > Text Effects > colorful-overlapping-letters. Then press Shift+Ctrl+J (Win) / Shift+Command+J (Mac) to cut the letter from the original Shape layer onto its own layer. I'm working on a photoshop text that overlaps and fades into each other but you can see them mix and be darker where they overlap. Choose the color that you want to use for the font, I am going to use yellow (R:255 G:255 B:0). Choosing New Group from Layers from the menu. To do this type your second letter, making sure it is on its own layer, and use the same color that you did for the first letter. File -> Save. I tend to work big, you can always shrink the text down when you are done. i know how to overlap pictures already. I'll choose a light blue. Since we want the colors in the overlapping areas to blend together, we need to change the blend mode for each Shape layer. To move the text into the center of the document, click and drag inside the Free Transform box. I’ll begin directly below. Unlike some simpler software programs, it gives you the option to orient, rotate, distort, and skew text with different effects. When you're happy with the size and position of the text, press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) on your keyboard to exit out of Free Transform: In the Layers panel, the text appears on a new Type layer above the Background layer: We need to convert our letters into shapes. Photoshop can do the job, but the process isn’t as intuitive as you’d imagine, especially if you’ve never edited animation in Photoshop before. The overlapping text effect is taking shape. Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner of the Layers panel: In the New Group from Layers dialog box, name the group "Letters", and then click OK: Back in the Layers panel, the Shape layers now appear in a group named "Letters". Click anywhere in the white background to deselect the letters, and then click on the letter you need to select it. Photoshop :: Overlapping Letters? Grab the Path Selection Tool (the black arrow tool) from the Toolbar: Choosing the Path Selection Tool. Click the triangle to the left of the folder icon to twirl the group open: Let's change the color of each letter. Arrange your individual letters where you want to place them overlapping one and other and change their “Fill” color to White. Resize, drag, and drop your images into position. With the Type layer selected, go up to the Type menu in the Menu Bar and choose Convert to Shape: Back in the Layers panel, the Type layer is now a Shape layer, which means that our text is no longer editable: And in the document, we see path outlines around the letters, letting us know that the text is in fact a shape: To overlap the letters and blend their colors together, we need to place each letter on a separate layer. Don’t take this image as any part of the project. We'll finish off the tutorial by learning how to resize it next: Since all of our letters are on separate layers, to resize the effect, we'll need to resize the layers as a group. Photoshop Essentials.com - Tutorials and training for Adobe Photoshop. thanks a lot for your post. Double-clicking on the second Shape layer's thumbnail. and now im doing itas easy as ABC. I am going to use a bright green color which is R:12 G:255 B:0 during the tutorial. Notice that in the areas where the two letters overlap, the colors from each letter are blending together: I'll click on the third letter ("L") to select it, and then I'll drag it to the left while holding Shift until part of it overlaps with the letter "O". Thats it, pretty simple huh? jj: 2. That's how to create an overlapping letters text effect, and how to blend the overlapping colors together, in Photoshop! Simply click on the letter with the Path Selection Tool to select, then press Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac) to quickly bring up the Free Transform box and handles around the letter. Select -> Inverse -> and hit the Delete key to trim your letter. For the "R", I'll use orange (R=244, G=99, B=36), and for the "F", I'll choose a bright pink (R=243, G=43, B=104). okay how do i overlap LETTERS on word? If you're looking to design some professional and impressive graphics or documents, Photoshop can be a great tool. Continue dragging the remaining letters together until they all overlap. © 2021 Photoshop Essentials.com.For inspiration, not duplication.Site design by Steve Patterson.Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Copy, paste in to another tool where converting to lowercase is easy to do, copy, paste back into Photoshop. In this tutorial, I show you how to create an overlapping letters text effect in Photoshop, with colors that blend together where the letters overlap! Hold Shift as you drag to make it easier to drag straight across. I've been able to do this in the past with just lowering down the opacity of the text no problem. With a font size of 140. In the " Blending " dropdown menu and click "Overlay" to use the overlay effect. Double-clicking on the top Shape layer thumbnail. Now it is just about moving the letters around so that they overlap each other and then changing up the layer order. Here's my result after overlapping the remaining letters. There may be other ways, but if you go to Illustrator and put your text on a path, with the spacing set to give an overlap - the new letters will hide the previous letter as you type : Ctrl-d to deselect. Then, right-click again and choose “Ungroup”. This kinda makes everything a pain in the butt, but it is the only way to do it. Hey, you’re hell of guy, i’ve been doing outlines in letters and images fr a long time in a different and very hard way until i’ve red your post. Changing "Select" to "All Layers" (Photoshop CC only). Get all of our Photoshop tutorials as PDFs. I won’t go into the specifics that have to do with selecting and edge refinement. We just add some text, convert the letters into shapes, change the color of each letter, and then move the letters closer together to overlap them. , we need to select it, so i am going to use yellow ( G:255. A very simple tutorial but gives a great effect icon to twirl the group:. 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